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« Guilty Gear Xrd -Revelator- comes to North America on June 7 »

Aksys Games has announced that the newest Guilty Gear will be coming home on June 7, 2016. This is roughly two weeks after the Japanese release of the title, May 26, almost the same amount of time that passed when Guilty Gear Xrd -Sign- released for the two regions.

-Revelator- will offer new gameplay features as well as new characters Jack-O, Johnny Sfondi, Jam Kuradoberi and the recently announced Kum Haehyun. Dizzy is also expected to be added to -Revelator-, although no plans for her release have been revealed.

Aksys Games did not mention any particular platforms in their announcement, but the game is scheduled for PlayStation 3 and 4 in Japan. There is no word on a possible PC or Steam release of -Revelator- at this time.

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