« Guilty Gear Xrd -Revelator- has three unlockable characters on console »

Guilty Gear Xrd -Revelator- is coming to home consoles in either late May or early June, depending on where players live, and one of the few remaining questions is about the game's number of playable characters. Guilty Gear Xrd -Sign- arrived with three console-only characters, and if pictures are any indication so will -Revelator-.
Rice Digital recently got some game time with a pre-release copy of the PlayStation 4 copy of -Revelator-, and the character select screen reveals three locked icons in addition to the already playable Jack-O, Johhny and Jam. Two of those boxes will likely be the recently unveiled Kum Haehyun and character vote winner Dizzy, but that leaves one more mystery DLC.
Could it be the first playable appearance of Raven, or another returning character like Bridget? Nothing is known at this time, and with more than three months until the -Revelator- console release there is plenty of time for Arc System Works to tease new additions.