« Team K', Women Fighters profiled as new KOF XIV trailers released »
With less than a week before the game releases in North America, Atlus has released two more trailers highlighting teams in the upcoming King of Fighters XIV.
First, K', Kula Diamond and Maxima all make their return from KOF XIII to make an impact in the new title as part of Team K'.
Second, King, Mai Shiranui and Alice join the game as Team Women Fighters. While King and Mai have made many appearances in KOF over the years, Alice is brand new to the franchise, making her first appearance in the pachinko title Garou Densetsu The Legend of Wild Wolf.
An apparent fan of Terry Bogard, Alice has moves that mimick both Bogard brothers and Joe Higashi
As with the other trailers, the short video shows off basic combos and supers for all three characters on the team. Check out the trailers after the jump.