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« Bob joins Tekken 7: Fated Retribution on Aug. 9, Master Raven and balance changes added to the game soon »

An official stream from Bandai Namco has announced that Bob will be joining Tekken 7 as part of a roster update on Aug. 9, along with other upcoming changes to the game.

Master Raven, the other new character revealed at Evolution 2016, will be joining the cast sometime in September. Also discussed during the stream were upcoming balance changes coming to T7:FR that will likely shake up how the game is played in arcades.

According to Avoiding The Puddle's FlyingWonkey, some changes include:

  • Akuma has overall been nerfed. Some of his old divekick combos don't connect and reduced meter gain and damage output.
  • Pushback after King's Rage Drive has been increased in combos.
  • Yoshimitsu's d/f+1,2 is no longer a Natural Combo. Fubuki Knee into BT 2 now works again.
  • Josie's cd+3 is -13 on block now (down from -14) Switch stance 3 (low) now combos on counter hit with the opponent facing towards you for pick-up combo. Her d/b+2 now wallsplats on normal hit instead of only on counter hit.
  • Kazumi's 'too favorable' d/f+1 has longer recovery frames on block and doesn't track as well as it used to now. Her FLY grab now wallsplats. Power Crush whiff frames reduced.

The nerfs on Akuma will likely come as welcome to many Tekken players, who felt the character in his current version is too strong on many fronts. For links to the stream and demonstrations of both new characters, head over to Avoiding The Puddle.

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