« Alvaaron, Buster Gundam now available for Gundam Versus in Japan »
Two more mobile suits have been released for the Japanese version of Gundam Versus.
Alvaaron and Buster Gundam were announced in early October 2017, and now players can check out trailers of the mobile suits in action before deciding if they want to add the Gundams to their in-game collection.
Both suits will cost players 650 yen (about $6). The trailers can be seen below.
10/17(火)配信予定の追加プレイアブルモビルスーツ「バスターガンダム」の紹介動画をTwitter先行公開!機体の詳細⇒(SP)https://t.co/CjmhzQ2qgZ (PC)https://t.co/1nbpitlruq #ガンダムバーサス #G_VS pic.twitter.com/q5fqXKCGP3
— PS4『GUNDAM VERSUS』 (@GundamVersus) October 16, 2017
— PS4『GUNDAM VERSUS』 (@GundamVersus) October 16, 2017
機体の詳細⇒(SP)https://t.co/wj2dcQpq2p (PC)https://t.co/oCixyo2hyV#ガンダムバーサス #G_VS pic.twitter.com/msz4Y5mKXt
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