« Burst League circuit announced to support King of Fighters XIV, Guilty Gear Xrd and BlazBlue communities »

A collaboration between tournament website Smashgg and organizers across the United States has lead to the creation of the Burst League, a system ranking and rewarding top players across three games.
Starting retroactively with Frosty Fausting IX in January 2017, Burst League will track the top placings of Guilty Gear Xrd, BlazBlue Central Fiction and King of Fighters XIV and award them points. The point leader in each of the three games after East Coast Throwdown will be given a free trip with housing to CEOtaku 2017 in Orlando, Florida.
The ultimate goal behind the Burst League is the creation of an Anime FGC Invitational, which will take place sometime in 2017.
For a full list of Burst League events and the point breakdown, readers can head over to Reddit. Those with questions about the league or who would like an event added to the league can contact Burst League or BearUNLV on Twitter.