« Xrd exhibition league reinvented as "Tension Pulse" for Rev 2 »
The former "Super Steam Xrd Exhibition League" returns for Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2 with a new name and a slightly different staff.
Starting on June 1, 2017, "Tension Pulse" will pit North American Xrd players against one another in online matches organized by Silva and zenzen. The events will still mostly be contested on the Steam version of Rev 2, but according to Silva some "exceptions might happen."
The first two matches for the reinvented league involve some mystery, as TSB|Blaze takes on an unrevealed Baiken player and Lord Knight challenges an unknown Answer.
More information on the first sets will be available "later this week." Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2 comes home to PlayStation 3 and 4 consoles on May 26, 2017. The Steam version follows on June 1.
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