« Infiltration's signature SDL-301-DX arcade stick lever from Crown coming August »
Players will be able to get their hands on a lever designed by Korean arcade parts company Crown (Samducksa) in collaboration with one of the biggest names in competitive Street Fighter today.
The SDL-301-DX Infiltration lever is planned to be released on Aug. 5, 2017, for 40,000 won. Originally concieved in 2014 as an experimental lever with both Korean and Japanese qualities, the project was revived when Infiltration collaborated with Crown in 2016. Designed with Japanese arcade sticks in mind, especially the Razer Panthera, players can try out what Infiltration is actually using in tournaments.
The release will come in three models, with normal, red and green transparent bat tops. It's unknown what overseas stores will carry the SDL-301-DX and what it will be priced at. Stay tuned not only for updates but for our review of Infiltration's own lever here on IPLAYWINNER!