« Hit, Beerus trailers released for DBFZ, open beta starts Jan. 13 »
As the Jan. 26, 2018, release date for Dragon Ball FighterZ draws closer, Bandai Namco has released more character trailers and will soon be offering players an open beta test of the title.
First, the company has released introductory trailers for both the legendary assassin of Universe 6, Hit, and the god of destruction from Universe 7, Beerus. Both trailers show brief views of each character's moves, along with supers.
Second, the Dragon Ball FighterZ open beta starts at midnight on Jan. 14, but people who preordered the game digitally through the Microsoft or PlayStation stores will get access a day earlier on Jan. 13. Once launched the beta will run through Jan. 15 at 11:59 p.m. PST.
There will be 11 characters featured in the beta, including Super Saiyan Goku, Super Saiyan Vegeta, adult Gohan, Frieza, Cell, Kid Buu, Krilin, Picolo, Nappa, Android 18 and Beerus, as well as seven stages, a tutorial mode, rankings and more.
For more information on the DBFZ beta readers can check out the official Xbox site, and both the Hit and Beerus trailers can be found below.