« NieR Automata's 2B coming to Soulcalibur VI as downloadable content »

If you are looking to get the Soulcalibur VI season pass anytime soon, the first of its three additional characters has been unveiled at this year's Paris Games Week.
Battle android YoRHa No. 2 Model B, or 2B for short, from Yoko Taro's popular action RPG NieR: Automata will be coming to SCVI as a downloadable character. 2B will bear her default outfit and weapon set from Automata. She will also receive a stage based on the universe of Automata. For those wanting to build a custom character using 2B's move set, her inclusion will allow players to use the Type-4O weapon set, her "Revealing" outfit and more.
2B is the second guest character for SCVI, with Geralt from The Witcher series being the first.
She will join Tira and two more unannounced characters in SCVI's season pass. There is currently no date for 2B's release as of this time.
You can find the reveal trailer after the jump.
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