« Three new characters coming to FEXL as Arika reveals 2019 schedule »
On Dec. 14, Fighting EX Layer developer Arika uploaded a video detailing the release schedule for improvements and additional content coming to its game in the first half of 2019.
The big news is that three characters are currently planned as DLC, with two being free and one being paid. From the video of the schedule, it seems that the first character—to be released in March—will be Sharon, while the other two will be released by the end of May. It also looks like another of those three will be long-awaited addition of Terry Bogard to FEXL.
No details on the identity of the third character were revealed at this time, although Arika's Evo trailer showed a glimpse of Area along with Sharon and Terry making her the obvious choice.
Arika's schedule also mentions that a patch will be coming sometime around the middle of February 2019.
Readers can check out the video schedule, which features new gameplay footage of Sharon, below. Fighting EX Layer is currently available on PlayStation 4 and Steam.