« Broly and Bardock coming as first Dragon Ball FighterZ DLC »
[Update Feb. 17, 12:41 p.m. CST]: ShonenGamez has provided a scan from the newest V-Jump, confirming the news. The release date for the characters will be announced in March.
According to a recent post, the first two DLC characters coming to DBFZ will be Goku's father and the Legendary Super Saiyan.
The leak comes from Ryokuta, whose blog has tipped readers off to previous character unveils before they were public information.
The post notes that both will appear with signature attacks, including Broly's Gigantic Meteor (or Omega Blaster, which will be his level 3 super) and Bardock's Revenger rush attack.
Ryokuta notes that pricing and release date are yet to be determined, but hopefully more information will be forthcoming if and when the characters are officially confirmed.