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« Patch notes for first Dragon Ball FighterZ online fix now available »

[Update Feb. 27, 9:46 p.m. CST]: Bandai Namco has posted the patch notes in English, along with a more detailed breakdown of character-specific fixes. Most notable is that the glitch allowing Captain Ginyu players free supers during Ultimate Z Change has been removed. 

Bandai Namco has detailed the contents of the first update to DBFZ in a post on the game's official Japanese website.

The notes, which have been translated by GreatFernMan, don't speak to many specifics in terms of online fixes, instead claiming the company has changed things to improve the experience.

There are, however, noted improvements to the Replay Channel, as Follow and Search functions are being in the new patch. The new patch will disable old replays, however, so players who want to save that footage should find a way to do so as soon as possible.

There is also the addition of a Party Match mode as well as several gameplay tweaks, with fixes to in-game cinematics and effects along with a vague comment about improving "consistency of actions."

Readers can check out the translated notes at Evernote. The update is scheduled for the end of February 2018 so it should be rolling out within the next few days.

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