« The soul still burns: Soul Calibur VI arrives Oct. 19, 2018, new story trailer hints at more returning characters »
A new trailer for Soul Calibur debuted during E3 2018 has given players the game's release date along with possible clues as to more of its cast.
Soul Calibur VI will release in mid-October, and the story trailer gives new players an idea of the events surrounding the characters and the game's main conflict.
It has also, however, given longtime fans of the franchise some hope that other classic characters will be coming back as playable fighters. During the trailer, silhouettes that look like Cervantes, Lizardman, Astaroth and Rock are shown, suggesting they will make an appearance in the title. At this point, however, these tidbits can only fuel speculation.
Readers can watch the story trailer below. Soul Calibur VI is coming to PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Steam.
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