« New patch to bring fixes to Fighting EX Layer »
Arika will be releasing a new patch to correct some errors in the current version of Fighting EX Layer.
The game, which launched on June 28, is less than a week old but in a series of tweets Arika said player feedback has already allowed the company to "grasp various problems."
The patch will temporarily remove one stage from matchmaking due to process dropout, make corrections to Training Mode, remove the Desperation Gougi's effects on Hard Attacks and make small fixes to characters such as Sanane and Hayate.
Arika also said that other adjustments will be revealed after the patch is released, which is scheduled for the first week of July. Readers, meanwhile, can check out the existing list of fixes below.
We are considering other requests such as additions and corrections positively, so it might take some time but we are glad if you wait.
— FIGHTING EX LAYER (@FightingExLayer) July 2, 2018
- Motion after jumping from Training Mode -> Matchmaking
- Trial production in Offline Mode
- etc.
- Hit Status of Sanane's "Yayoitoukongi"
— FIGHTING EX LAYER (@FightingExLayer) July 2, 2018
▼Changed the all 5 hits status to "Blow Off" (In Japanese we call it "Fukitobi" but I did not know what to call it in English, sorry)
- Bug of Hit/Throwing moves
▼Fixed her throwing move (ignoring a distance)
Other adjustments will be reported after updating.
— FIGHTING EX LAYER (@FightingExLayer) July 2, 2018
(If you can not understand the meaning or if I made a mistake in English, please ask or point out to me.)
posted by Marina
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