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about 11 years ago

« Arika details Fighting EX Layer version 1.1.3, coming Jan. 10 »

A new patch will soon be released for Arika's fighter, bringing with it some big gameplay changes to one of the Gougi abilities.

While there are smaller changes affecting the arcade version of the game and a reduction in matchmaking times for the PlayStation 4 version of FEXL that will release on Jan. 10, the biggest change will affect the Teleport ability. No longer will players be able to teleport in the air, it will have increased startup and will also have one frame of recovery after a teleport.

In notes added along with the changes, the developers noted that the existing form of Teleport made the mind games in FEXL less interesting which lead to the change. They also asked that players continue to watch over their decisions so that FEXL can walk on the edge between "fun" and "broken."

Readers can check out the full patch notes below.

[Ver 1.1.3 Changes]
*System Changes
-Event Mode added (Arcade version only)
-When using NESiCA, your last played character will be saved (Arcade version only)
-After losing in Versus, a CPU battle will begin (Arcade version only)
-The Online Matching has been improved for times when the connection is poor (PS4 version only)

*Game Changes
-Teleport has been changed
-No longer can appear in mid-air
-The startup motion for the Teleport has been slightly extended
-You are unable to block for 1F directly after appearing from the Teleport
-Allen’s Expert Challenge #16 has been changed (PS4, Steam version only)
-Some parameters for the Hit System have been adjusted (This makes the PS4 version and Steam version identical)

<Comment from the Developers>
After releasing Ver1.1.1, many users voiced the opinion that “It’s too hard to react to Teleport ground version and air version.”
Now, many players choose to just back-jump to avoid this, and we find ourselves thinking, “Hasn’t this made the mindgames less interesting?”
It’s a very selfish decision on our part, but we decided to remove the ability of Teleport to appear in mid-air. 
At the same time, there was also the problem of it being difficult to react to due to the presence of Network Lag, so in order to make it more fair to the players we have slightly increased the startup of Teleport as well as added a small punishable window to its recovery.
Here at ARIKA, we will continue developing on the edge between “Fun” and “Broken”, so please kindly watch over us.

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