Entries in Phantom Breaker (10)


Phantom Breaker: Three New Characters Added In Extra

The upcoming Phantom Breaker: Extra will be bringing more characters into the fray.

The first character introduced is Sophie, an artifact created by a group against the Phantom organization. Shizuka is a female military commander that wants to ignite the nation to arms. Gaito is the last of the three, a humanoid beast controlled by a young girl named Rin.

While there isn't much info about their gameplay, make sure to stay tune for more info in the future. You can check Famitsu for screenshots of the new characters.


Phantom Breaker: New Version "Extra" Announced For Both PlayStation 3 And Xbox 360

The fighting game series by Japanese company 5pb, Phantom Breaker, will soon be releasing under a new imprint on consoles.

Titled Phantom Breaker: Extra, this entry will be available on both PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. It was originally released on the 360 and later in Japanese arcades as "Another Code." There are currently no other details such as additional content or balance changes provided at the moment.

Make sure to stay tuned when more news surfaces for Phantom Breaker: Extra!


Phantom Breaker: Arcade Version Coming To Japan

While there haven't been much news regarding the North American version of Phantom Breaker, an arcade version of the game is planned for release in Japan.

Subtitled "Another Code," this game is likely going to be a balance update to the game. The game will run on Sega's RingEdge 2 hardware, also known to run Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R and Under Night In-Birth.

If you will be in Japan around Christmas time, you are in luck as Club Sega Akihabara will be location testing the game on December 22 and 24!


Phantom Breaker Receiving Beat Em Up, No News On Fighter

The past couple of months left the Xbox 360-only fighter Phantom Breaker with no info for the North American release but 5pb announced a beat em up based on the game.

Titled Phantom Breaker: Battle Ground -Cocoa's Nightmare Attack-, the game will feature sprites in a 3D side-scrolling environment with online play with up to four players controlling the four playable characters.

You can check out the trailer to the game coming early 2013 on Xbox Live Arcade. There is also a message from the producer of the game with info regarding the fighter's release.

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Phantom Breaker Gameplay Preview from Coin-Op TV

Matt Lewis over at Coin-Op TV got his hands on an early copy of Phantom Breaker and was kind enough to put together a lengthy gameplay video for everyone. This video will give you a look at the roster, some of the gameplay mechanics and his thoughts on the game thus far. 

Phantom Breaker will be released on XBOX360 here in the states come June 12 though with all the other fighting games comes out this year I'll be very surprised if ends up catching on in the competitive scene. 

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New Phantom Breaker Trailer for Version 1.02

5bp. released a new trailer for Phantom Breaker -- a fighting game coming to North America on 360 March 6th -- that details many of the various changes made in the latest patch. It's safe to assume the version we will get here in the states is the same, though they mention that North American players wont be able to play online versus Japanese opponents.

Check out the full trailer after the jump.

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Phantom Breaker: 7sixty & Eightarc Team Up For Contest

The upcoming North American release of Phantom Breaker is bringing the hype by teaming up with an up and coming arcade stick company with a contest.

7sixty collaborated with Eightarc to give away a special custom Fusion stick. This version of the Eightarc Fusion is from the limited Sapphire color line with a special panel and button art. Winner of the contest also gets a copy of Phantom Breaker on Xbox 360.

Everyone has two chances to win the contest. You can fill out your name and email on Phantom Breaker's North American site and like the official Facebook page. Also check out RogerDodger's review on the sticks!

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Phantom Breaker Announcement Trailer

When 7Sixy announced they would be bringing Phantom Breaker here to the states, it sparked a lot of discussion right here on the site. If you want another look at the game, Giant Bomb posted up the official announcement trailer of the game that has plenty of footage of the characters in action.

What do you think? Hype to try out a new fighter or does it look a bit too similar to other titles on the market to pique your interest? 

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Phantom Breaker is Coming to North America

Fighting game hipsters will have to cross another game off their list as Phantom Breaker, a game developed by 5pb that features a mostly all female case, is now slated to be released here in North America. The game was released in Japan earlier last year on XBOX360 and according to Siliconera, Austin based publisher 7Sixy plans on releasing the game state side later this year. 

If you're unfamiliar with the game, check out the HD trailer after the jump.

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Phantom Breaker: New 2D Fighting Game for XBOX360

Andria Sang posted up some information on a new 2D fighter coming to the XBOX360 called Phantom Breaker, developed by 5pb. Though not many details are known at this time, it's said the game is to have "simple controls" with the gameplay system including both a "Burst and Tension Gauge". Sounds like they could be taking a page out of BlazBlue gameplay system, but we'll have to wait and see!

There is a Famitsu scan which you can check out below that apparently contains more information about the game. Once more details surface we will be sure to post them up!

Thanks to Nite for sending in this tip!

Phantom Breaker Official Website

Original Phantom Breaker Reveal from July

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