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Entries in Sega (3)


Blade Arcus from Shining Releases on Nov. 5 in Japan

Sega's fighting game based on its Shining series of titles will be in Japanese arcades starting on Nov. 5, 2014, the company announced during its recent Shining Fan Festa.

Siliconera is reporting that Sega also announced another member to the Blade Arcus cast, Rick Elwood, who made an appearance in Shining Blade and was the main character in Shining Hearts. Rick's addition to the character roster will come in spring 2015.

At this time there are no plans for a console release of Blade Arcus.


Blade Arcus from Shining Adding Four New Characters

Sega's upcoming fighting game based on its Shining series of role-playing games is getting four new characters during its upcoming beta test. Roselinde and Fenrir will make an appearance from Shining Blade, while Melty and Isaac from Shining Hearts.

According to Gematsu, "Roselinde uses a 'power' battle style, and a lance and shield as weapons. Fenrir uses a 'rush-and-move battle style, and claws as a weapon. Melty uses a 'magic-and-throw' battle style, and a staff and her familiar Sorbet as weapons. Isaac uses an 'ancient weapons' battle style, but his actual weapon is unknown."

The new characters will join the six current Blade Arcus characters during testing at Club Sega Akihabara in Tokyo, Japan, on Aug. 22-24.


Sega's Fighting Vipers, Virtua Fighter 2, And Sonic The Fighters Coming To XBLA And PSN This Fall

After reports of ratings for Sega's Virtua Fighter 2, Fighting Vipers, and Sonic The Fighters on Xbox Live Arcade, it's now confirmed to be arriving soon to both XBLA and PlayStation Network.

Referred to as the "MODEL2 COLLECTION," Sega intends to provide HD upgrades to various games on the arcade platform including the mentioned fighters. For the fighters, you will be able to switch between version 2.0 and 2.1 in VF2, FV will enable Sega Saturn-exclusive character Mahler, and Metal Sonic and Dr. Robotnik is playable on STF. The fighters are online enabled! Also included in the HD collection are the original Virtua Striker and Virtual-On: Operation Moongate but unlike the fighters planned for a "Fall 2012" release, these two will be available on a future unspecified date.

You can check the price for the fighters and even a trailer for the full collection after the jump!

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