Entries in Supercade (2)


FightCade, an Alternative Online Fighting Game Service to GGPO & Supercade

A new program emerges for those who want to play their favorite older fighting games.

Previously called GGPO-NG, FightCade is a middleware that acts similar to GGPO and Supercade where players can play games like Super Street Fighter II Turbo and The King of Fighters '98 with rollbacking netcode.

FightCade was developed in response to both maintenance concerns in GGPO and Supercade according to developer Pau "Pof" Oliva. Pof used many aspects of the GGPO program as the basis for FightCade. He also developed the program to be open source for community contributions.

Along with the games featured GGPO, FightCade also has more in their library list. In addition, the program features a network technique where players don't have to forward ports. Replays are also auto saved in the server end.

You can register and download now, includes Windows, Mac OSX and Linux downloads, on the website!


Supercade Closing Down in October

Damien "Damdai" Dallidenas' peer-to-peer-based fighting game program Supercade will be closing this coming October.

"I've spent a lot of money keeping it running over the years, long after I lost interest in the project, and I don't want to do that anymore," he wrote on Supercade's front page. Damdai also mentioned that he will be trying to have someone take over hosting duties before the closure.

Despite the shutdown, Damdai suggested that Supercade players migrate to alternative online programs such as GGPO or the Chinese-based Super Arcade (formerly ArcLive).

Supercade, similar to GGPO, allows players to compete with one another online in multiple fighting games using an arcade emulator. It supported games made for SNK's Neo Geo MVS as well as Capcom's CPS-2 and CPS-3 platforms. In addition to full online support, Supercade features a replay system in which players can download their played matches from the website.

Make sure to enjoy the last weeks of Supercade by downloading and playing!