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XI - Optic Barrel (236A/B/C)

Noel spins and fires an exploding projectile. The range at which the projectile explodes is determined by the button you press. Explosions have a fairly large radius. Okay for zoning, but slow start up.



XIII - Revolver Blast (236C, in air)

Noel twirls in the air, firing her guns rapidly. It is possible for some of the shots to miss. Most often used to end combos in the air, but you cannot combo into it after a certain number of hits.



IX - Muzzle Flitter (214A)

Noel grabs the opponent while in the air leaving them knocked down. Can only be used on standing opponents. Useful for combos.



II - Bloom Trigger (236D, while chain revolver is activated)

Noel moves forward hitting the opponent with a blast. Ends a chain revolver combo. Safe way to end a pressure string. Safe on block.



V- Assault Through (214D, while chain revolver is activated)

Noel evade dashes forward, and shoulder tackles the opponent. Depending on distance from opponent, she may move past them, resulting in a crossup. Unsafe on block. Removes one guard primer.



III - Spring Raid (623D, while chain revolver is activated)

Noel launches her opponent allowing for aerial followup depending on spacing. Be wary using it in mixup though, it is easily punished if the opponent blocks this attack. Removes one primer.




Distortion Drives

Zero-gun: Fenrir (632146D)

Noel swings out a mini gun and fires at the opponent. If your opponent is physically hit by the barrel of the mini-gun during the physical swing, she will freeze the enemy and fire a final shot. Since this moves has invincibility frames, its a decent option for a reversal. Easy to combo into.



Zero-gun: Thor (236236D, in air)

Noel fires a storm of bullets at the opponent from midair. Combos from air normals or her throw. High priority. Unsafe while Noel is falling [in CS]. Removes two primers.




Astral Heat

Valkyrie Veil (214214C)

Noel fires a deadly blast at a close range. After the first shot hits she continues to fire many shots going around the opponent to end up where she started. She then brings her guns together as the enemy explodes in a yellow light. Easy to combo into.

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