Special Moves
Tekkaman Blade swings his lancer around his upper body, rapidly hitting anyone close enough. The hitbox for this move is huge and the startup is almost instant, making it a fantastic way to cancel out of unsafe attacks and blow off opponent pressure. The light version has the shortest twirling time wheras the stronger versions last longer.
Tekkaman Blade splits his lancer in two and tosses it out as a projectile. The light version simply stuns the opponent, but the mid and strong versions will cause Blade to rush up to the opponent and tear out his lancer, sending the opponent flying to the ground. The mid version can be used as an anti air, and at greater heights it's even possible to follow with an air dash and attack the opponent one final time with a jumping D+H. The strong version has the slowest startup time but deals the most damage. This attack will break super armor on giant characters and Oni Mode Soki. When used in the air, the lancer is thrown at a downwards angle.
Blade does a quick uppercut followed by a twirl of his Tekkalancer. The twirl causes the opponent to fall into knockdown. Using the heavy version of this attack will cause Blade to follow up the attack by charging forward, spinning his lancer like a buzz saw. This traps anyone who gets caught in it, slamming them against the wall and allowing him to combo from there on. This fearesome attack makes for a very dangerous anti-air, but it's greatest strength lies in the fact that he can use it to combo after launching, hitting the opponent with a jumping D+H at the apex of his combo, then quickly canceling it into this attack before they hit the ground. This allows Tekkaman Blade to re-launch, giving him some of the most frightening combo damage in the game. However, this link is very hard and so novice players may find it better to just go for easier combos. The charging part of this attack can also be baroqued if it's blocked, allowing Tekkaman Blade to go for a quick grab attempt when they least expect it.
A very ambiguous move as Tekkaman Blade will cross up his opponent, reeling his space lancer in towards him as he crosses behind the opponent. Can be used with certain assists to create a very confusing mix up. The button pressed determines the distance traveled, with light being the shortest dash and heavy being the farthest. Overall, the heavy version is the safest and therefore best used for mobility. The Light version can be comboed from afterwards if it hits. Blade is not invulnerable to throws and jabs while initiating his dash, and so this attack should be used sparingly so that the opponent won't get used to your patterns.