St.L (30k)
This move was nerffed from vanillia so it is no longer a pressure tool, but it is still Ammy’s fastest normal (3 frames) meaning it can punish and beat many moves and should be the go to normal you use to start XF guard interrupt combos.
Cr.L (28k)
This is Ammy’s fastest low and is generally what you use to start combo’s. It is chainable making it easily hit confirmable. It is negative on hit though so be sure to either chain it to H to be safe.
J. L (35k)
This is mainly used as an instant overhead. It can be combined iwht an assist so you can combo after using it as an instant overhead. This combos into Glaive Dive in Level 3 Xfactor and in Vale of Mist.
St.M (50k)
This is Ammy’s best way to keep pressure going seeing as it beats advance guard and travels around 1/3rd of the screen. This is going to be the best move to get in and continue pressure so use it to your advantage bc your opponent will be wary of this normal.
Cr.M (50k)
Travels a slightly less distance than St. M and is slower to startup. Only use is that it hits low, otherwise same as St. M.
J. M (48k)
Pretty much only used in combos, but on big chars you can instant overhead with this and chain into J.H in Reflector and glaive dive in Glaive stance.
Reflector Stance
St. H (80k)
A decent anti-air but doesn’t hit very high. It is jump cancelable even on block so you can go into mixups off a blocked St. H combined with an assist.
Cr.H (60k)
Low attack, jump cancelable, slightly larger range than St.H, don’t use it.
F+H (60k) x 5
Ammy’s farthest reaching normal in Reflector stance going around 2/5ths the screen. This is ammy’s best counter poke since it has no hurtbox so it can beat many attacks outright. This can be chained into itself, but with each attack you become more negative. You can be thrown if you chain to much, so you should cancel into Power Slash L to keep yourself safe. You can cancel into Launcher at any point, this is used as your main hitconfirm/combo tool in reflector. Learn to abuse it.
J. H (60k)
The hitbox of this move is nearly 360 degrees and is the only jump normal Ammy has that can chain into itself 3 times. This is Ammy’s primary jump in, since it causes massive hitstun and is easily comboable into a ground combo. This is also her primary air to air since it has a great hitbox and can combo into Headbutt H.
Glaive Stance
St. H (80k)
This move has a great horizontal hitbox, slightly shorter range than F+H with reflector. Its vertical hitbox is deceptive being only marginally better than her launcher, the animation is bigger than the hitbox so sometimes it will simply just pass through. The Glaive still extends a good distance so you can keep many people at bay combing this with Power Slash.
Cr.H (80k)
Same horizontal range as St. H but with none of the vertical range. Mainly used as a far reaching low and to get opponents airborne for combo extensions.
F+H (80k) (100k when fully charged) x 4
Only used in combos, don’t use it in the neutral game. Staggers on full charge.
J. H (90k) (110k fully charged)
Same hitbox as reflector J. H just larger on all angles, and is also exceptional for crossing up and creating ambiguous situations off of square jumps. When fully charged it increases damage and causes a ground bounce. Mainly used in combos, but you can hold H to create situations where you land before the H comes out to go for a low, mixing them up.
Glaive Dive (90k, 110k when fully charged) Down-Forward + H
This otg’s and causes ground bounce; its main use is for extending combos. You can use this as a free get in off of a super jump if you cancel it into Reflector forcing a mixup and pressure. It staggers on full charge but No real reason to charge besides wasting time.
Rosary Stance
St.H (79.5k) hits 4 times
Longest reaching normal, reaches around 60% of the screen. Works well for antiair, hitting slighty above regular jump height, and as a general poke. Since its multi hitting its great at breaking through armor moves safely.
Cr. H (79.5k) hits 4 times
Same horizontal range as St. H, mainly used for a long reaching low attack. Same utility as St.H
F+H (79.5k) hits 4 times, can chain 5 times
Used for zoning out and locking down from long distances. Has slightly shorter range than St. H. It is unsafe up close but from a distance it is safe, also you can call an assist during the chain to cover yourself and also combo off a hit.
J.H (79.5k) hits 4 times
Actually has nearly the same hitbox as Glaive J.H, just longer range marginally, it is also multi hitting blowing through armor easily
S (70k)
Ammy’s launcher is pretty fast, but it can be thrown on block. It can be used as anti-air since it hits slightly below regular jump height.
J.S (70k)
Has a similar hitbox to Reflector J.h, really no reason to use this outside a combo unless your forcing them to tech into an unblockable.