Damage #s are (standing/crouching/air)
L - LIGHT (43k/37k/44k)
Both s.L and c.L chain into into themselves for easy hit confirms. Be wary of using too many, as damage scaling in this game is severe.
M - MEDIUM (63k/60k/60k)
s.M is a two hit attack.
H - HARD (80k/70k/75k)
s.H is a roundhouse kick that sends the opponent flying across the screen. Follow up with M or H Quick Work for a combo.
c.H is a far moving slide, and can be cancelled into S launcher.
S - EXCHANGE (80k/NA/80k)
Standard launcher. j.S crosses up.
Deadpool will perform a somewhat slow overhead that can be comboed into a H Katana-Rama! or S launcher.