Well, that's that. If you didn't already register for the Street Fighter Club event in Brooklyn, NY you're all out of luck it seems. GGPO as they say.
CAPCOM posted on their blog they received well over 350 entrants and they've closed the doors to anyone else. On the plus side, if you're one of the first 250 to show up you will get a goodies bag. If goodies don't interest you, well they interest me, so send me what you happen to pick up if you don't want it! Hah!
Back to 350 sign ups though, lets think about that just for a second. Sure it's a large number, but most major tournaments don't even have 100 people show up for any one game. I know this is an exclusive event and a lot of people still have yet to really play SFIV and HD Remix, but here's to hoping this is a clear indication that Street Fighter is well on its way to becoming a mainstream series once again.
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