So some reports from last night are showing up online already both on Shoryuken.com and CAPCOM's official blog. It sounds like the Street Fighter Club event was very successful and everyone had a great time, which comes to no surprise to me. The last one in LA did very well too so maybe they should keep hosting these types of events even after the game comes out!
A user on SRK, Zerul, happened to get some good footage from the event for both SFII: HD Remix and Street Fighter IV. Here is a video of Blanka vs. Justin Wong's Sakura:

Some photos showcasing the mock-up street fighter products they had on display in the bodega where the event was held.

Damdai, well known for coding the 2DF online arcade matchmaking service and also an expert Super Turbo player, has also posted 33 SFII HD Remix matches recorded at Street Fighter Club NYC.

Kotaku has a nice write up with TONS of photos from the event. Nice!
There were several Super Street Fighter Turbo HD Remix kiosks set up in the first floor room that were swarmed with people. The walls were decorated with a variety Street Fighter-related graffiti while a video projector aimed at the ceiling displayed a SF anime. I grabbed a slice of pizza (what was left of it, anyway) and a Pepsi while observing some matches. After about 10 minutes, though, I realized Street Fighter IV was noticeably absent in this room, along with about 100 other people. I noticed a stairway off to the side with the word "Murder" written above it. I figured either I'm going to die when I go down there, or that's where the rest of the Street Fighter kids are.

GAMEMANX uploaded some nice HD videos of Sakura in SFIV from the event. First video is cool with the corner combo but nothing we haven't seen before in the rest.

Video Game Alliance posted a short review of the event with pictures. Take a look!
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