Alright, so the second video of the event has been released. The gameplay in this video is quite a bit better (Graham Wolf beasting!) than the last one but the commentary is still questionable (Throws are cheeze!?). It's still all Super Street Fighter II HD Remix, so maybe next week we will start to see some Street Fighter IV footage.
Check it out:
From Gamespot:
Sixty-four may enter, but only one may leave. When the world warriors assemble to determine who among them is the best there is, hadoukens will fly, tigers will be uppercut, and fools will be spinning piledrivered! GameSpot has teamed up with Capcom to run not one, but two Street Fighter premiere events: 64 of the best there are will duke it out in both Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix on the Xbox 360 and Street Fighter IV in genuine Japanese arcade cabinets for fame and $2,000 in fortune, and the winners will battle each other for a bonus $500 prize. Every week we'll unveil a new video from the tournament, so be sure to check back to find out who will be the Ultimate Street Fighter!
Also, if you missed it the first time around, be sure to read the iPlayWinner Gamespot SF Tournament coverage!
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