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So, looks like I am pretty much right on the money with my prediction of the release date. According to this blog post on CAPCOM's official blog, Kramez says the game is coming in November. I am still banking on it coming out during Thanksgiving due to people being home for the holidays with plenty of free time to play 2 player games with family and friends.

More updates as they come!

Reader Comments (3)

when i first heard about sthd, i got hype as fuck.

now that i've seen what's essentially the final product, i'm a tad bit let down. graphically, the game still looks like a beta (and quite frankly, it doesn't even look better than guilty gear all things considered) and seeing how well the ccc port of st turned out (and how sirlin's influence or lack thereof played a role in how shitty it is), i can't help but be skeptical about the game. hearing the term "selective rebalancing" being thrown around so generously isn't exactly comforting either (especially when they've came out and said that they've mostly just made certain inputs harder than others).

i don't know. i really want to like this game, but seeing all the changes it's undergone through it's development, it might be hard for me to.

October 30, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterquash

In person it looks and plays great to me. I was actually really surprised how far it has come even since a couple months ago before they were holding these "location tests". It also seems to play real smooth, and I think they said they added more leeway for the inputs so thats probably why.

As far as the re balancing though, yeah, I mean at this point no one really knows right? No one has had enough time with the game to really see if any of the changes are game breaking and/or completely useless.

October 30, 2008 | Registered Commenterhaunts

Well, if HD Remix does indeed suck, just play the good old Vanilla ST version. That's my plan anyways.

October 30, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterthrust07
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