The online leader board is now up and running on StreetFighter.com where you can view your Xbox Live stats for each character you play. You just punch your gamertag and it will give you your win/loss record and over all rank. You can also load up a friends gamer tag and compare your rank to theirs. I am not too sure how to access the PSN stats as of yet but I am sure they are working on getting that live as well.
I first thought this would be all text based but it appears to be all flash at this point. Pretty nice interface but I guess this means you cant access your stats from your iPhone just yet!
Somewhat related, there has been a lot of debate over whether or not the rankings are any indication of true skill. I am sure some of the people at the top are not the absolute best in the community, but right off the bat you can see David Sirlin and Paul Lee right there in the top 10. I'd say that is a pretty good indication that if you are within the top 50 you probably know how to play the game on a competitive level.
With that being said I am ranked some where in the 3000's! Hah! If I only had more time to play maybe I'd be ranked in the low 2000's. Speaking of which, if you want to play me, you can add me to your friends list under "hauntsxl" on XBL and "haunts" on PSN.
Reader Comments (4)
I guess this is only ranked matches? I have no data because I have just been playing player matches.
Yes, ranked matches only as far as I can tell. My stats would be WAAAY better if it was player matches. ;)
Im 49W:37L on ranked I think.. :\
I have no rank. WHERE IS MY RANKING?
Yeah, some of the numbers seem a tad off. For instance, I don't use Ryu all that often, but he's listed as my number 1 pick.