Warning! If you want to save the surprise of unboxing your Street Fighter IV stick come February do not watch this video! This video provided by SDTEKKEN's MarkMan shows what appears to be the final product and packaging of the Tournament Edition Street Fighter IV FightStick.
If you're not familiar with this stick yet, this is a stick that is being developed by MadCatz that contains authentic Japanese arcade parts to offer the highest level of response and build quality. The joystick and buttons are both manufactured by Sanwa, the build of the overall product is very sturdy and it includes some other nice features such as the option to wrap the cord and pack it inside the joystick after use.
I've personally played on the stick and can say that the Tournament Edition is well worth the money and you wont have to buy another stick for a very long time if you go this route. If my endorsement isn't enough, Alex Valle has also recently had a chance to play on the sticks and also agrees they are the best retail stick you can buy.
MadCatz is also making a budget FightStick and an assortment of Street Fighter stylized pads which should have a more responsive D-Pad than say the standard Xbox360 controller.
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