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Some new images just surfaced on some Japanese gaming magazine sites of Gen and Rose. Nothing too new on Rose's end but it looks like Gen has two supers and two Ultras, a first for this game. This probably has to do with which stance he is in. How this will affect the over all game balance has yet to be seen.

Also, in a recent preview of the game in GamePro magazine, Yoshinori Ono details more of the online options included with the game:

"We don't put up hurdles...we want to make it as easy as if there was someone sitting next to you in an arcade," Ono hints. "We're going to engineer the home version of the game so you can actually play in arcade mode and you can turn on a function that would allow match-making in the background, so you could just have somebody jump in exactly as they would at the arcade," Ono says. "No one's really done this before, so it has potential to be really, really huge."

But it goes even deeper. "There's a ridiculous amount of options and filters you can turn on," he continues, "and if you prefer to not have a function on at all, you can turn it off, or choose only ranked matches or player matches." And if you want some truly strenuous practice, Ono says, "you can even set it so you only fight people that are significantly better than you based upon the battle point count." Once you set your options, you'll be able to hop into arcade mode for a few quick warm-up rounds while you wait for a challenger to join your game.

With Street Fighter IV's new online mode, Ono is aiming for something almost unheard of among shooters and fighters: creating a solid matchmaking experience that functions in the background. And it's an inventive way to seamlessly blend single-player and multiplayer modes into one cohesive experience. And don't worry about lag: The team is working hard to "cleverly hide" any lag, but the online modes are being testing across the Pacific and the game is running smoothly already.

So it looks like they are adapting the Japanese Battle Point system for the online mode to determine skill. This essentially means the more people you beat who have a better ranking than you, the more points you will acquire. On the other hand, if you end up losing to a higher ranked player, the more points will be deducted from your ranking.

I think the ability to sit in practice mode and only be linked into an online match if a player is better than you is pretty clever. I only hope you will be able to restrict matches by region so you aren't linked up with someone on the other side of the world and lose to some random lag. 

Speaking of lag, they also mention people have been playing "across the Pacific" without any lag present due to a technique to hide the lag (GGPO roll-back?). I assume this is CAPCOM USA playing against the offices in Japan. Lets hope out of all this news, this last portion of lagless online play ends up being true.

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