In the past, Northern California each year has held the NorCal Regionals Tournament to see who is the best in the Bay, but due to space and game restrictions it is not happening this year. The SoCal scene decided this would be a good opportunity to have an event where both NorCal and SoCal can battle it out to see who is the best in the state. So, come January 17th the top players in California will converge at Denjin Arcade in Simi Valley for the first annual California Regionals tournament.
The tournament will feature most major fighting games such as Street Fighter IV, Third Strike and even BlazBlue. There will be singles and team tournaments for all these games, but what will most likely be the highlight of the event is a special "5v5 Battle for California Tournament" where the top 5 players from each region for SF4, 3rd Strike, MvC2, CvS2, and ST will battle it out. I don't think any tournament until maybe EVO2K9 can hope to be as hype as this!
Check out the official thread for the event on Shoryuken.com for more details, and after hearing about all this you're still not hype... well, I'll let Lil' Shoto take it from here:
Reader Comments (2)
you showin up haunts?
Yes sir!