« Street Fighter IV Ultimate Blanka Guide feat. Lil' Shoto »
We've been playing a lot of Street Fighter IV up here in NorCal and we have some pretty respected Blanka players that frequent the arcade. We know that not everyone has access to the game right now, so we've decided to put together another guide on iPlayWinner that will give you the ultimate insight on how to control this beast so you'll be ready when the game drops!
Blanka can be real tricky in the right hands but there are a couple things you should know when playing against him as well. Whether you are trying to pick up Blanka, or you have a tough time playing in battles, don't worry because Lil' Shoto will give you everything you need to know in this audio clip!
Check it out!
Although not as thorough as Lil' Shoto's audio guide, be sure to check out our Street Fighter IV Move List and Strategy section for more Blanka tips!
Reader Comments (6)
I like these songs..but you block high, then low.
You should try that and let me know how it works out for you!
Is there a downloadlink somewhere gonna putthis stuff on my iPod
Right click on the player to download the MP3.
you can't right click on the player
if your in *close* range when he launches ultra and you don't block low, you get hit ;]