« PS3 load time comparison »

Ok, so there has been alot of talk around the web with how the PS3 load times in between matches are longer than on the 360 version of the game. The following video was the cause of all the hub bub. The following was from the Capcom Suite during CES in Las Vegas.
I don't know if that was a final version of the game or what but it looks pretty inexcusable. Also there is the possibility that the game was not installed to the hard drive so nobody really knew why the load time for that particular match was so long.
Anyways after going to this past Street Fighter Club in San Francisco, I as well as many others who played on the PS3 version didn't notice the long load times in the video from up above. The following video starts from the end of a match in Arcade Mode to a new challenger joining.
You be the judge if you think it is still too long.