Most of us will have to wait till later this year to play this on console, but arcade operators in California and Tennessee have taken the initiative and upgraded their Tekken 6 units to Bloodline Rebellion just a month after the game has come out in Japan.
1211 N Grand Ave
Walnut, CA 91789
(909) 594-5954Game Galaxy Arcade
5252 Hickory Hollow Parkway
Hickory Hollow Mall next to the Food Court
Antioch, TN 37013
Thanks to SDTEKKEN for the update on these locations. I'll be sure to post more if other arcades decide to go through with this upgrade (SF State Rack-N-Cue where you at!?).
Also, if you're curious about the install process, there is a video that shows what these arcade owners have to go through to perform the upgrade.
Reader Comments (1)
Hi Everybody,
Just got a chance to play Tekken 6:Bloodline Rebellion over at the Game Galaxy Arcade in Antioch, TN. It was nice. It is actually housed in a Tekken 5 cabinet. It has been rigged to play with PS 2 controllers as well. The game play is .75 cents a game. My suggestion is that you bring your arcade prostick controlller or PS2 controller because the control panel is loose or not bolted down well. Other than that, the arcade has many nostalgic games (mostly fighting games) over the past 10 years, offers trade of games/consoles and even has Streetfighter 4 rigged up as well. Kuddos to the guys operating at the Game Galaxy. They're pretty cool. Only problem is the hard-core fighting gamers. Always practicing so its hard to get some play time unless you wait a few hours until they leave.