The internet is a strange, dark, damp world full of things that you wish you never saw and full of things you wish you never would forget.
I spend most of my time on the internet poking around on youtube, and every once in a while you'll come across something fighting game related that will leave you scratching your head in disbelieve and awe. This week I thought I would show you some of my favorites!
KSK and MOV fight a blind kid in Mortal Kombat on Japanese TV?
Can someone explain this to me? What I can take from just watching it is very limited. KSK and MOV (Two top Third Strike players) go on a Japanese gameshow to battle a blind kid from the US(?) in Mortal Kombat? I'm not exactly sure what to think of this but KSK looks really stressed out when hes playing the game.
A collection of Street Fighter II bugs from a Japanese DVD
What we got here is a collection of some of the strangest bugs from the Street Fighter II series. We've all seen Guile's "handcuffs" (the first bug in the video), but some of these I've never seen before such as the duo-Blanka bug and the bonus stage related bugs. Pretty insane stuff.
Mugen is pretty stupid.
Have you ever seen "Evil Dan" fight "Street Fighter the Movie" Guile and some weird Japanese character that spanks you with a spoon? Well, now you have. Also, why does this look like it's ripped from a casette tape?
The Ballad Of .......Guilty Gear?
This is another one that leaves me speechless. What looks/sounds like a normal Japanese ballad turns into a fight of Guilty Gear XX. On top of being bizarre on its own, it's littered with off-kelter soundbites from something completely different. After I watched this I locked myself in my room and called my mom. Help.
A collection of "lose faces" set to Russian music? Really?
I found this while poking around on youtube. The title explains it all really. Really? Really.
Check back next week for some more and always feel free to submit your own clip and I'll probably post it on here!