« Capcom still pondering bringing Super Street Fighter 4 to arcades, but if they do it will not be difficult »

Capcom has been annoyingly back and forth about the prospects of bringing Super Street Fighter 4 to arcades. At first they said no, then they said it was not an absolute no (probably after the quick backlash), and then a spokesperson said that the arcade version will depend on sales of the console version. All we know at this point is that Capcom itself does not know itself and perhaps the back and forth in their statements is reflective of the struggle within Capcom itself over the issue.
Kotaku once again got some information on this issue recently from Capcom's Seth Killian. When asked, Seth told Kotaku that they still have not decided whether or not to bring Super Street Fighter 4 to arcades. However, as arcade enthusiasts already know, if Capcom decided to do so, Killian confirmed that it would be a fairly easy transition.
The arcade version of Street Fighter 4 runs on the Taito Type X2 arcade board, which includes a hard-drive for storage. As such, Killian stated that updating a Street Fighter 4 arcade cabinet to Super Street Fighter 4 would require simply installing the new software and then changing the cabinet's artwork.
If Capcom does not update the arcade version of Super Street Fighter 4 it will considerably widen the gap between the arcade version and the console version, which will have implications even in North America, where there are only a handful of arcades remaining.
Source: Kotaku and Arcade Shock for the Taito Type X2 image.