On this weeks "Great Moments In Fighting Game History":
You've all heard by now that Justin Wong won the last Battlefield Arcadia invational tournament with Fei Long. While Fei Long is universally known as a "Low-Tier" character, Justin really showed some amazing play with him while taking out some of the best players "Empire Arcadia" have to offer. A big thank you goes out to FrameAdvantageDotCom who was nice enough to post some of the matches to youtube.
Justin Wong (FL) vs. Mariodood (ZA)
Justin Wong (FL) vs. Nica KO (AK)
Kin (BL) vs. Justin Wong (FL)
I hope nobody has forgotten about "Third Strike" and if you have, this video will remind you why you used to love the game. (Hey, I still love it!) It's a stellar collection of the top Japanese players doing absolutely amazing things. It really shows how flexible the Third Strike engine can be. This is some of the best gameplay I have EVER seen. Urien unblockables, crazy Dudley chains, parry magic, mindgames, and long didn't-think-that-was-possible combos. Lets get it on now!
Check back next week for "Great Moments In Fighting Game History" #2!

Another video of J. Wong playing Fei Long, this time vs. Chris Hu's Ryu. This is Winners Finals so its best 3/5 matches.

FrameAdvanageDotCom just posted the rest of the matches:
Sanford (CA) vs. Justin Wong (FL)
Grand Finals: Justin Wong (FL) vs. Chris Hu (RY)