« IPW Poll: What do you think of the new announcer for Super Street Fighter 4? »

It is interesting to read the various opinions about the new announcer being created for Super Street Fighter 4. Some people like him but there's definitely some hate out there as well. This made us curious, so we would like to get your opinion on the new announcer. At the end of the week we will tally up the votes and hopefully get a sense of the players' general opinion. So, do you love him, hate him, or somewhere in between? Cast your vote!
For reference, the following 2 videos in the "New Gamespot Videos of New Super Street Fighter 4 Characters in Action" article on IPW allow you to clearly hear the new announcer's voice.
I will post the results over the weekend as well as any interesting comments on the topic from this thread, if any are worthy.
So register for our forums if you haven't already and cast your vote and leave your comments here!