So I was on uStream last night testing some new equipment, and I go to my channel to get an idea of how it will look to a user and about two minutes into it - BAM - Morton's Salt baby! A huge pop up ad for Morton's Salt covers my screen and all I can do is laugh because I know they are showing this to me just based on all the times the word "salt", "salty" and "Morton's" comes up during each Street Fighter 4 stream.
Ahh, the power of targeted advertising. I'm sure some of you have seen this by now if you watch a lot of streams, but it is still funny to me none the less. If you haven't got a clue how internet advertising works these days, it's pretty simple: they try to target a demographic based on keywords and interests. A good effort here, but this comes off as more of a joke rather than a persuasive ad.
Also, if you are still in the dark as to what it means to "get salty", it's just being disgusted/bitter/mad/whatever after losing a match! You can usually see it on their face.