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« MAGUS1234's Weekly Video Rundown »

Each week MAGUS1234 scours the web for the best of the best fighting game videos and posts them here at iPlayWinner for your enjoyment! Videos range from new games such Super Street Fighter 4 to even legacy games such as Capcom vs SNK 2. Hit us up in the comments with your thoughts on the videos and any requests for certain games!

Check out last week's entry by clicking here!

Well now that im out of the way of virus's, hangovers and work, I've got another update! Here you go, got some MvC3 in there and a lot of the usual classics. Get up to date on the GodsGarden tourney if you missed them like a lot of other people, the matches were sweet!








Updated again with more awesome leauge matches! 

Dope Fei-Long, Blanka and Hawk in there

A-CHO Website

GGXXAC and Blazblue matches that are new (first click arcade then the 6th link on the left to get to vids) But often updates with all kinds of 2d matches.

A-CHO YouTube Channel

Always bringing new games and matches, recent activity with GGXXAC that has a spotlight on a really amazing I-NO player plus new Blazblue

ShinAkuma Super Street Fighter IV Youtube Page

Here's my usual spotlight of 2 matches I like from Shinakuma's awesome page!

Cool match of a wild Gen player vs a solid Cody.

Classic Gief vs Sagat match up, same results as vanilla sfiv?

Keits YouTube Channel with Seasons Beating's interviews and matches plus MvC3 match vids

"Evil Rahsaan" showing some cool early beat downs in Marvel

Team Spooky Youtube Channel

Has tons of recent tourney recordings, plus marvel match vids from NYCC

NerdJosh vs some random dude


To view NicoNico Videos, you need an account to do so, though you can use the MMCAFE NicoNico Video Redirector to watch them if you don't want to set up a NicoNico account.

NicoNico stock load- i'll try to update with what I can of some of the better and more interesting games I can find, though it is kind of a pain sifting through them.

http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm11381043 - Bunch of random T-Hawk players just mauling people.

http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm12416142 - Really good Juri player, possibly the best I've seen in some amazing matches.

http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm12350886 - More of the same Juri player.

http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm12409255 - Sunset01 match



GODSGARDEN USTREAM Channel  - Going on right now is the Godsgarden online tournament, matches so far in the last weak you might have missed

 - Sako vs Mochi

 - Mago vs Uryo 

 - Uryo vs Mochi 

Make sure to check out GodsGardenTV, they just put up a recording not too long ago and if your like me and keep missing it live you can still keep updated . Of course some of the best bangers like “Nemo”, “Mago” ,“Tokido” and “KSK” all showcase what they got.

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