IPW Feature: Deadpool/Chris/Dante Team Analysis and Breakdown Part One
Like guns, swords, bazookas and more guns? Then you will love this article. In a four part segment, I'll be breaking down the dynamic of a current team I'm playing, with this article being focused on teams and each subsequent part outlining the utility of a specific character. Though the article will be spotlighting a specific team, I want to urge people to read on even if you don't share a common character preference, as you might find useful tips in creating a team or simple things you need to keep in mind when searching for a compatible trio.
As the title suggests, I will be explaining the team consisting of Deadpool “type y” on point, Chris “type b” as my utility character, and Dante “type a” as my anchor. Later, I will go on to what this means and why I choose them. For now I want to explain the reasoning behind this team's construction, starting with the point character.