« MAGUS1234's Weekly Video Update »
Each week MAGUS1234 scours the web for the best of the best fighting game videos and posts them here at iPlayWinner for your enjoyment! Videos range from new games such Super Street Fighter 4 to even legacy games such as Capcom vs SNK 2. Hit us up in the comments with your thoughts on the videos and any requests for certain games!
Miss out on last weeks update? Check it out by clicking here. New updates every Wednesday or Thursday!
Yo! New update, not so large as the last few entries with it being a quiet week as far as tournaments go. Either way, lots of updates from random casuals, U.S matches and good Japanese matches in various games.
0SHINAKUMA0: http://www.youtube.com/user/0shinakuma0
-Youtube page has been constantly updated (SSFIV) so it's a good one to follow, two cool matches I liked:
”Sunset01” a Sagat player showing he aint dead yet, vs one of the best Blanka players in the world “mizoteru”
”StripfighterIV”(Dan) goin in!
GAME A-CHO: http://www.youtube.com/user/gameacho
-Youtube account got updated with several Cvs2 vids! Can't tell all the players but “GunterJPN” using his famous A-groove Zangief is definitely one of the players.
THE SHEND: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheShend
-Of course if you love watching anything 3rd strike this is the man to follow, has been for years.
OMEGA GAMES: http://www.youtube.com/user/OmegaGamesLLC
- Has put up Winners finals and Grand finals of a SSFIV tourney with “Lud”, one of my favorite Chun-li players taking on “Steve H” and “Darkchild” two other great players.
A-CHO: http://www.a-cho.com/
-Updated with (vanilla) Street Fighter IV vids, possibly qualifier matches for SBO.
-Updated with Guilty Gear XX AC vids
-Also Blazblue vids
GAMECHARIOT: http://www.gamechariot.com/
-(3rd link on the left)
- Top players “Kaqn” and “Buppa” playing in Blazblue, along with some good 3rd Strike matches and Guilty Gear X for a good laugh (oh god Axels outfit).
To view NicoNico Videos, you need an account to do so, though you can use the MMCAFE NicoNico Video Redirector to watch them if you don't want to set up a NicoNico account.
-Takehiko313 who is supposedly top Honda player “Akimo” playing as Blanka, Also has elflake better known as ex(?) C.Viper player “Uryo” using Sakura. Also “.cab” in a mirror match which starts out a back and forth battle turns into a hilarious mess.(SSFIV)
-Rog player “.cab” playing vs a decent Vega in a long set.(SSFIV)
-Takehiko313 “Akimo” using DeeJay, who is probably the best I've seen vs various opponents.(SSFIV)
-”Mok11bk” a rare good Makoto player vs different opponents, fun to see how he tries to win vs upper tier characters.
-”Tokido” worlds best Akuma playing vs a lot of the best on live. Showing more struggle than we are used to seeing from him.