« iPlayWinner Live from Starbase Arcade - 9PM PST »
Alright, we're back for another rowdy night at Starbase Arcade! Tune in around 8-9PM PST for some casual action and then get ready for a Super Street Fighter 4 tournament at 10PM! MAGUS1234 and myself will be on the mic to hold it down on the commentary end all night long! Special guests always make an appearance so do not miss this stream!
If you haven't caught any of our live streams from Starbase Arcade, you can check out some of the recordings on our YouTube Channel to see what it's all about! As always, you can find the broadcast on our USTREAM Channel or simply load up the player on the left!
STREAM URL: iPlayWinner USTREAM Channel
DETAILS: Official Thread on SRK
LOCATION: Official Starbase Arcade Website