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« Magus1234's Weekly Video Update »

Each week MAGUS1234 scours the web for the best of the best fighting game videos and posts them here at iPlayWinner for your enjoyment! Videos range from new games such Super Street Fighter 4 to even legacy games such as Capcom vs SNK 2. Hit us up in the comments with your thoughts on the videos and any requests for certain games!

Check out last week's entry by clicking here!

Another update down! Check out those T-Hawk ST matches, how do they do it? Got a lot of SSFIV Dudley matches today too, some from Marn and some from an online Japanese (or Korean) player. If you haven't figured it out Dudley and Hawk are my favorite characters to watch.








Update with two or three good T-Hawk players, and some good Fei-Long too. 

More T-Hawk of course, just so fun to watch how the can navigate through these tough match ups.

A-CHO Website

No news but check out their site frequently for random 2D goodness.

A-CHO YouTube Channel

Updated with two tournements, a BBCS 2v2 and a SFIV 5v5. LOTS of vids.

ShinAkuma Super Street Fighter IV Youtube Page

ShinAkuma laced us up with a bunch of vids from this really sweet Dudley player "WhiteDoong2". Here is some matches of him

"WhiteDoong2" vs an OK Rog

"WhiteDoong2" vs that monster guile player "ACE E I RIN". Some interesting notes to what people might assume is a bad match up for Duds, his early j.fk beats most Guile normal antiairs, and once Duds gets U1 Guile can only throw full screen booms safely.

SMOAI - youtube channel is another great avenue for all kinds of fighting game vids. Recently he has put up KOF,SBO matches, GGXX Ogawa matches, SSFIV online matches...etc. Some of my recent fav's are the recordings of NSB's concept matches!

"StripfighterIV" Fuck ya! He looks like a Japanese trucker, showing no remorse to poor "Choco Blanka".


I wanted to show "EG-Ricky" raping "Uryo" but im sure the US has seen enough of Rufus, so instead check out one of the best Dudley players "Marn" vs Vortex God "Eita"

IPW Youtube got some fun stuff as usual.



Classic Ramin and Showstoppa



To view NicoNico Videos, you need an account to do so, though you can use the MMCAFE NicoNico Video Redirector to watch them if you don't want to set up a NicoNico account.

NicoNico stock load- i'll try to update with some vids per week of some of the better and more interesting games I can find, though it is kind of a pain sifting through them.

http://www.nicovideo.jp/mylist/21344854 - Heres a page on Nico that has a stock of some (all?) of the Godsgarden online tournement. Man Daigo was on fire that night!

http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm12256641 - Sick Makoto player "Mok11bk" in a small showcase

http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm12056935 - Decent Cody in various match ups.

http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm12104797 - "KichiyojiKen" Still being a beast

http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm12273548 "Pikagoma" An Abel player, very slow and patient but smart. Almost like Shiro in Vanilla 



Make sure to check out godsgardenTV, they just put up a recording not too long ago and if your like me and keep missing it live you can still keep updated . Of course some of the best bangers like “Nemo”, “Mago” ,“Tokido” and “KSK” all showcase what they got.

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