
« MAGUS1234's Weekly Video Update »

Each week MAGUS1234 scours the web for the best of the best fighting game videos and posts them here at iPlayWinner for your enjoyment! Videos range from new games such Super Street Fighter 4 to even legacy games such as Capcom vs SNK 2. Hit us up in the comments with your thoughts on the videos and any requests for certain games!

Yo! Sorry about last week guys --  it was my birthday so I was either hung over or drunk at all times x.x Anyway, here are some cool updates, as usual I try to bring them all as we got GGXXAC, SSFIV, KOF, BBCS, CVS2, MB, and even ST2T! OMG!




0ShinAkuma0 YouTube Channel

As usual bringing the fastest and best updates out there for top Japanese SSIV  matches. Here are some exciting matches I liked.

Sunset01 (Sagat) vs Ryu a match that many Sagat players struggle with.

Top Chun-Li player "Haneyama" takes on the player who needs no introduction "StripfighterIV"

Arcade Infinity YouTube Channel

One of the few if not only arcades in the country that have the new King of Fighters game. An arcade I've been lucky enough to frequent brings constant updates of this long awaited game.

A-CHO YouTube Channel - A-Cho Arcade Home Page (Hover your mouse on the left links until you see the /mov link)

Updated with my favorite game Guilty Gear AC, and some Blazblue matches all the way down to a new HUGE batch of CVS2 matches

Big update with Vanilla SFIV, Melty Blood, KOF and Guilty Gear AC

GameSpotVersus YouTube Channel 

These are the best most frequent updates of Super Turbo you can get! Remember it's back in the SBO line up, so if you want to brush up on some names or the game in general check em out. Specifically watch how their T-Hawks play.

iPlayWinner YouTube Channel 

Of course check out our youtube page as it will hopefully be more frequently updated with my drunken madness and tourney matches.

Team Spooky YouTube Channel

Check them as well, they bring the best East Coast matches and tourney rips as well. As of lately they got Tekken 6 and SSFIV matches.


To view NicoNico Videos, you need an account to do so, though you can use the MMCAFE NicoNico Video Redirector to watch them if you don't want to set up a NicoNico account.

The NicoNico stock load. I'll try to update with around 10 vids per week of some of the better and more interesting games I can find, though it is kind of a pain sifting through them.


Haneyama aka "Cat5eye" doin it big. Not enough Chuns in Japan imo.


First match is I think "KSK" vs some bad Dudley, but after Haneyama plays a really good Ryu and he always manages to land that, Hazonshu link into super, really nice! Also RARE footage of "Mago" playing Balrog plus other great matches.


More "StripfighterIV" humiliating people with Dan, I think people get that Dan can fight now :)


Another great Sagat player "Piyoppia". Seems like a lot of Chun/Sagat matches today.


Oh Japan....


iPlayWinner USTREAM Channel

Since I post these almost every Wednesday make sure to watch us at Starbase arcade.

PeacefulJay's 24/7 Endless Battle

A 24/7 stream of good players from all over the country playing in an online lobby? o.O Amazing resolution though -- perhaps too amazing.


Make sure to check out GodsgardenTV, they just put up a recording not too long ago and if your like me and keep missing it live you can still keep updated . Of course some of the best bangers like “Nemo”, “Mago” ,“Tokido” and “KSK” all showcase what they got. 

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