« The Ayano Cup - Street Fighter 4 5v5 Tournament »
Picture I took last year at the Shiozawa Cup held at Big Box arcade.VersusCity put together an article on the upcoming Street Fighter 4 tournament in Japan called the Ayano Cup. I attended the Shiozawa Cup last year -- which is pretty much the same tournament just with a different name -- and it was really wild. A ton of players showed up, a ton of heavy hitters, and even some drama between the USA and Japanese teams. It was a blast and if the Ayano Cup is anything like the Shiozawa Cup last year it should be insane. The tournament takes place sometime today -- or within the next 24 hours I suppose -- and hopefully we'll see some videos uploaded sometime in the near future.
VersusCity posted a full player list which you can check out on their site, but to give you an idea the players who be in attendance, here are a few of the teams:
Let’s go Gamerbee! Arere–Okashiizo–Adon inaino?
Gamerbee (Akuma), RB (Rufus), Korei (Balrog), ROCK (Ryu), Sangosakana (El Fuerte)Bariant Knife
Mago (Sagat), Tokido (Akuma), Bonchan (Sagat), Momochi (Akuma), Kindevu (Rufus)
Damn, do I feel like an idiot for not going to Japan this year!

Oichi posted a link over on NeoGAF to the live stream of this event, so if you're down for watching some old school Street Fighter 4 featuring Japan's best, you'll want to tune into this one!

Full results courtesy of VersusCity.net:
1st Place
Neko Punch
Nyanshi (Sagat), Misse (Akuma), Nemo (Chun-li), Iyo (Dhalsim), Daigo (Ryu)2nd Place
Bariant Knife
Mago (Sagat), Tokido (Akuma), Bonchan (Sagat), Momochi (Akuma), Kindevu (Rufus)3rd Place
Chiba Saikyo
AC Revenger (Abel), Fuu (Ryu), Akua (Sagat), Haneyama (Chun-li), PPN (Dhalsim)