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« Mago to Attend Canada Cup 2010 »

The list of international fighting game super stars coming to North America continues to grow as the tournament organizers for the Canada Cup just announced Mago will be in attendance! Mago is of course widely considered to be not only the best Fei-Long player in SSF4 but one of the best 2D fighting game players ever. 

Keep in mind Daigo Umehara, EG. Justin Wong and many other top players will also be entering this tournament so there is a lot to look forward to! Team Spooky will be handling the live stream for the Canada Cup and you can keep up with all the latest news for this tournament by checking out their official website.





What is The Canada Cup!?

We are happy to present the biggest fighting game tournament in Canadian history right here in Calgary AB.  We have pot prizes up to $5500 (real figure will vary based on attendance) and $2,000 in the Super Street Fighter 4 pot just to kick things off. Over the course of the weekend we will also be holding tournaments for BlazBlue: Continuum Shift, Tekken 6 and Super Street Fighter 2: HD Remix and Marvel vs Capcom 2. Oh let's not forget Super Street Fighter 4 3 on 3 teams.

How do you enter? Easy, every player and spectator is required to pay a $25 venue fee if you pre-register or $30 at the door. Every tournament has an entry fee of $10 which goes directly into the prize pot for that event. Every tournament's cash payout is 70% for 1st Place, 20% for 2nd place and 10% for 3rd.

Our main attraction for this year's Canada Cup is Super Street Fighter 4 Singles, and we have attracted a lot of incredible players to Calgary for this weekend. We have Daigo "The Beast" Umehara who's track record needs no explanation, Justin Wong, the 2009 USA national Street Fighter 4 Champ who will be competing as well as playing exhibition matches vs the top player from each Canadian City. Not to mention Mike Ross and Ryan "Gootecks" Gutierrez of Machina's Crosscounter series who will be lending their expertise commenting on matches.  And making sure that everyone out there on the World Wide Web who can't make it to the event doesn't miss the action Team Sp00ky will be working hard behind the scenes streaming matches as they happen.

We want to have everyone of every skill level representing the Canadian competetive fighting game community but our venue does cap at 350, so register early!

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