
« New XBOX 360 Controller With Improved D-Pad Now Available »

All you pad-warriors out there may have heard about this new controller for the 360 with a "transforming d-pad" that apparently allows for more precise inputs compared to the original 360 controller. This controller is now up for pre-order on Amazon.com and is available for purchase now at certain retailers around the country.

So, what does this have to do with fighting games? Well, if you've ever used the original 360 controller, you'll know that it's d-pad isn't exactly the best for whipping out Shoryuken and 'doukens. 

That said, this controller carries a hefty price tag at around 70 bucks a pop, which is obviously a bit more than most people would want to pay for a new controller. Keep in mind you can still pick  up a MadCatz FightPad for around 20 bones on Amazon.com.


 Check out this video to see how the new D-Pad works in action:

Here are some initial impressions from Sanjuro Tsubaki on NeoGAF:

+ Love the new d-pad.
+ The new concave analog sticks feel much better.
+ Plastic finish feels better than the original pads.
+ Bumper buttons feel a little different. More responsive.
+ Battery pack snaps in much firmer.

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