« New Japanese Official Super Street Fighter 4 Blog Post Partially Translated (Full Translation Soon) »
The new Japanese Official Super Street Fighter 4 blog post is up for this week. Azrael doesn't have time to fully translate it right now, so hopefully we will have a full translation soon. Here are the Cliffs Notes he provided to tide us over:
-- SSFIV is sold separate from SFIV because they’ve in essence built it from the ground up, so its too much to be handled as additional content.
-- More hinting at Ibuki.
-- No special conditions to get to the bonus stages.
-- The developers and producers (Ono included) read the comments on the blogs.
-- No “Making of” video, but that’s what the Dev Blog is for.
-- No plans for any SF1 character, but who would you want to see?
-- Would be cool to one day have the characters actually speaking their respective languages (ie Russian for Gief, Chinese for Chun).
-- Someone asks for a flight suit alt for Guile, and she points out a picture showing Guile throwing a sonic boom while wearing sunglasses - is this a new item, or a new move?
-- SSFIV will run at 720p just like SFIV.
-- She says you’ll be able to use the new characters from the beginning (no unlocking?)
-- Someone asks to be able to pick the regular stages in the training mode, and she says its something to think about for next time (implying its not a feature this time around).
-- Someone asks for Vega’s stage with the chain link fence. She says that it’s a popular request, and if they add any more stages its sure to be at the top of the list.
-- New Mad Catz stick being developed for SSFIV. She’ll share more info when she has it.
-- She says they’re working hard enough to make the dream of arcade SSFIV a reality. Believe in them and please wait.
-- Many people wanted to see a Mama Viper costume, but Nakky says if Viper is in mom-mode she’s probably not going to fight.
-- Someone points out the way BP is handled is weird, with minimal gains and big losses. She doesn’t really address this issue.
-- No comments in the Replay Channel.
-- Some complaining about the new costumes, in which she refers to the last dev blog.
-- Someone asked if Ultra II can only be used when the gauge is maxxed out - she replies that it can be used the same as Ultra I.
-- Someone asks for Evil Ryu. She doesn’t answer the question.
-- Someone asks about a BP penalty for ragequitters. She says the penalty is the disconnect ratio that’s displayed.
-- She says that the search function has been improved from SFIV - before, it gave you someone close to the specified parameters, now it will only give you what you asked for.
-- No special mode for just viewing character models.
-- Someone asks if the devs really listen to the comments. She says they do - they don’t depend on them, but as they want the players to enjoy, they do at least listen.
-- Confirms 2 alt costumes for the new SSFIV characters and 3 total for the returning SFIV cast.
-- Someone asks if there will be a time limit for picking ultras. She says that you pick the ultra at the same time you pick your character, so there’s no time limit. I will assume this doesn’t apply to vs modes (or at least hope so…)
-- They won’t be able to make any changes based on the feedback from 4/4 (the game to be shown at the National Tournament).
-- Apologies, but the anime will not be available for the PS3 version. The anime is only available on the first-run production of the game. The anime is not a separate disc, but when you buy the game you get a code that will let you download it from the Marketplace. She also says that its possible for people outside of Japan to have access to the anime.
-- Someone asks about R.Mika, and she doesn’t really address the question.
-- Someone asks about a portable version of SFIV, and she says it would be nice if there was one.
-- SSFIV’s story takes place around the same time as SFIV…but the story itself separate.
-- Titles and unlocked colors won’t carry over from SFIV.
-- There will be “something” at the National Tournament.
-- There will be a special update next week on the 18th (one day early), she hints very heavily that there will be a new character reveal.