The latest issue of Famitsu revealed that BlazBlue: Continuum Shift is in-fact getting a console port. This was leaked late last week due to a scan of the magazine cover being accidentally released, but many of the new details are fairly unexpected.
First off, a new character will be added to the roster, named Mu-12 (μ-12-). Translation courtesy of the DustLoop forums:
Height: 157 cm
Weight: 48 kg
Birthday: January 7
Blood Type: A
Birthplace: The 13th Hierarchical City "Kagutsuchi"
Hobbies: ??
Likes: ??
Dislikes: The world
CV: Kanako Kandou
The awakened, true form of Noel Vermilion. Her hatred for the world has increased substantially, making her aggressive towards everything. The name of the huge sword on her back is "Kamigoroshi no Tsurugi Kusanagi" ("Sword of the God-Slayer, Kusanagi").
Beyond that, new modes and stages are also on the way. All arcade stages will return with graphical overhauls, along with new stages bringing the number of total stages to "over 11".
In regards to new modes, there will be many to choose from such as Beginner Mode, Tutorial Mode and Network Mode. Again, a full translation thanks to DustLoop Forums:
- Beginner: allows simple input for special moves and throws.
- Tutorial: Practice and work to learn the basics of the game system.
- Arcade: Enjoy the fighting and story of the original arcade version.
- Versus: Fight with other players or against the CPU.
- Score Attack: Compete for the top score through 15 consecutive matches.
- Training: Freely practice special attacks, combos, etc..
- Challenge: Complete special missions available for each character.
- Legion: Defeat and conquer enemy locations on a map.
- Story: Experience the story of each character.
- Gallery: Listen to BGM and voice acting, look at artwork, and watch cutscenes.
- Replay Theater: Watch the replay data from network mode.
- Network: Online game ranking, players can save replays.
The game is said to be "60% complete" at this point so I can assume a Summer/Fall release date is probably what ARC System Works is aiming for, even though it is only listed as "2010 release" currently.
We'll update with more images and videos as they become available!
Source: DustLoop, VersusCity, AndriaSang